Interstellar (Track 1)


If you were to die right now…
How would you feel about your life?
Do what you like.
Give then receive.
Lie down and the days past.
Crazy, stupid love.
Imprinting all over the world with bare feet.
Become someone, as the distant words echo.
Look back in anger, under control.

Fuck them all.

This life, just blink of an eye.
Butterfly wings fly from nothingness to thoughts.
All you know…
You don’t know.
You’re scare by fear.
This universe, another universe…
Born, bloom, push and pull, end, rebirth, destruction, death.

Wood creates Fire.
Fire creates Earth.
Earth creates Metal.
Metal creates Water.
Water creates Wood.
Who cares?

Disc 1. Dream


Where is my mind?
Have I ever thought?
My life was set up from the beginning.
That I’m a hero who saves the world.
I don’t know anything about that.
Until one day…

My fuckin’ mind, hmm, mm.
My fuckin’ mind, hmm, mm.
My fuckin’ mind, hmm, mm.

It’s confrontation with invisible forces.
Should’ve been nervous and exciting.
Even confused and afraid.
Why am I alone?
Waiting for somethin’ to happen.

My fuckin’ mind, hmm, mm.
My fuckin’ mind, hmm, mm.
My fuckin’ mind, hmm, mm.

Smile at the subconscious resolution.
I am hero to myself.
The spiritual world needs to be saved.
What am I thinking about now?
Thinking about you.

My fuckin’ mind, hmm, mm.
My fuckin’ mind, hmm, mm.
My fuckin’ mind, hmm, mm.

Disc 2. Reality

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