Interstellar (Track 3)

Hell above

Listen, people, ain’t no King of Hell,
Ain’t no Pluto and Hades to tell.
There’s only sin for the sobers,
The burden is on your shoulders.

That’s where I come….
That’s not me.
Please set me free.
Would the Saint agree?
Please set me free.
Would the Saint agree?

Oh, oh, demons of suffering.

Please set me free.
Would the Saint agree?

The cold lake of fire…
The bridge has expired.
The forgotten river.

That’s where I come….
That’s not me.
Please set me free.
Would the Saint agree?
Please set me free.
Would the Saint agree?

Disc 1. Dream

Heaven below

Awake from your sleep,
Feeling so dirt cheap.
Mistake and heartdeep.
Why is there no one?
Father forgives son.

Angels have horns.
Living things die and then are born…
The body lies.

No need to breathe, it’s confusing.
Don’t be fooled.

No need to breathe, it’s confusing.
Don’t be deceived.

Where will the bad folks go?
Garden of Eden? No.
Nirvana, lost soul.

Samsara Karma,
Rebirth, full of drama.
Get rid of the noir.
Ignore the heathens,
Belong to heaven.

Belong to heaven.

Belong to heaven.

Disc 2. Reality

About Me

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